Der Buchtitel „Once Quiet“ vom Autor Scott Blade
am 18. 05. 2017 veröffentlicht im Black Lion, LLC Verlag erschienen.
bewertet mit 3 Sternen (von 5)
Serie: Jack Widow Band: 5.0#
Genre: Thriller, Krimi
Lately, Widow has enjoyed a quiet life on the road with no troubles, but a lifestyle like his costs money. A low bank account balance causes Widow to take temporary work on a dying, secluded cattle ranch in northern Montana.
Widow works for the Sossaman family, taking orders from a hauntingly beautiful wife named Crispin. Quickly, Widow grows attached to Crispin Sossaman and her two sons. But his attachment to her may be more than attraction.
Two strange things are going on around the ranch. The first is that the husband has been in a mysterious coma for ten years. He’s wired to hospital machines, feeding tubes, and a breathing apparatus to keep him alive.
The second thing is that someone is watching the ranch. Someone with sinister intentions. Someone with a dangerous agenda.
Publisher: Black Lion, LLC