Der Buchtitel „Mr Wong Goes West“ vom Autor Nury Vittachi
am 01. 01. 2008 veröffentlicht im Allen & Unwin Verlag erschienen.
bewertet mit 4 Sternen (von 5)
Serie: Fengshui-Detektiv Band: 0.0#
Genre: Krimi, funny
The world’s biggest and most expensive aircraft – Skyparc’s ‚office in the sky‘ which apparently runs on ‚green‘ fuel – flies into Hong Kong. The Europeans want to sell the plane to the Chinese and Mr Wong is hired to make sure there is nothing on the plane that might upset visiting Chinese aviation officials. But things go wrong. An oil company executive is murdered and a young greenie, who happens to be a friend of Mr Wong’s assistant, Joyce McQuinnie, is arrested.
Publisher: Allen & Unwin
Stichworte: China, Shanghai, Krimi, Feng Shui, Fiction:Detective,