Der Buchtitel „The Feng Shui Detective“ vom Autor Nury Vittachi
am 15. 09. 2004 veröffentlicht im Macmillan Verlag erschienen.
bewertet mit 4 Sternen (von 5)
Serie: Fengshui-Detektiv Band: 1.0#
Genre: Krimi, funny
Set in Singapore and featuring C.F. Wong, a „geomancer“ . Wong is dragged to Australia to solve the case by his intern, Joyce McQuinnie, a British-Australian teenager forced on him by a valued client. McQuinnie makes a great foil for his crankiness and obsession with order. The author, unfortunately, sometimes vies for the big laugh with groan-worthy broad humor, usually revolving around someone’s accent or lack of understanding of English. Overall, however, his love for Singapore and its distinctive internationalism shines through. Vittachi’s unique worldview infuses his writing with vitality and gives his characters a charming believability. American readers should enjoy the virtual vacation this book provides.
Publisher: Macmillan
Stichworte: China, Fiction:Detective, Krimi, Feng Shui, Shanghai,